Consider the Lilies…

It’s Easter. Are you feeling spiritual, or stressed?

Christians throughout the world are commemorating the Passion of Jesus. This time of year lilies are commonly used to depict the resurrection of Christ. It is the fulfillment of a promise for believers.

Holiday Stress

Unfortunately, contemplation, meditation and prayer are sometimes postponed, forgotten or ignored because we get swept up in the social demands of the holiday. Did I bring enough food for everyone? If there’s traffic we are going to be late. I don’t think we have enough beer. Does the outfit make me look fat? I should have washed the car.

Mount of Beatitudes on Sea of Galillee. Where Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount

Folks during Jesus’ time were preoccupied with worries, just as we are today. At the Sermon on the Mount followers and onlookers expressed such concerns. Jesus encouraged listeners to abandon worries about the little day-to-day concerns, and to trust in God. He used flowers to evoke a deeper understanding of this teaching.

Why take ye thought for raiment (clothing)? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin. And yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Matthew 6:25-29

Jesus was essentially saying, “Don’t sweat the small stuff”. He was using the flower to convey the serenity and beauty of being present and satisfied in the knowledge that God will provide. He was saying that God’s provision is far beyond anything that you can do for yourself. So, stop worrying about tomorrow and be here now.

Whether you are religious, simply spiritual, agnostic or atheist, may you benefit from this teaching. Most of us worry far too much about things that we can’t control, and about how we are viewed by others. When you see flowers this Easter let them absorb your attention. Take a few deep breaths. This will gently guide you to present moment awareness. Gazing at a flower is a great way to “get out of your head”. Don’t forget spiritual practice. Meditation and prayer can help you find your way to serenity. Such practice will help you to remain balanced and grounded in a demanding world.

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